Petsway is a family-owned Springfield MO company operating 4 Pet Supplies Plus franchises in Springfield and Nixa.

How to Fit a Harness/Collar

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, spring is almost here. In fact, some days, spring is here, thanks to unseasonably warm February temperatures. If you haven’t already taken your pet for a neighborhood stroll, we highly suggest putting this on your to-do list.

For most of us and our pets, this means a harness or collar, and a leash.

Conventional wisdom regarding a pet harness or collar has evolved over the years. A harness or collar should be secure but not too restrictive, as an overly tight collar can lead to injury. Like us, different pets are going to have different levels of tolerance for what goes around their necks. Youprobably wouldn’t want to make breathing a challenge by wearing a necklace so tight it cuts off your air supply, or invest heavily in lotions to battle constant skill irritants. You also don’t want to feel the need to make sure your necklace hasn’t slipped off every five seconds. Like people, your pet will have a sweet spot—something that fits comfortably but performs the necessary task so they enjoy the neighborhood walks as much as you do.

Let’s start with collars. From flat to head collars, you have a lot of options when it comes to finding the best collar for your dog. Spring is right around the corner which means beautiful walking weather for both you and your pet! Your pet’s harness and/or collar should fit properly and comfortably to avoid the risk of injury. Think about it: would you want your necklace to be too tight and irritate your skin, or have it too loose and fall off with the risk of losing it? Odds are, you prefer it to fit just right. Your pet feels the same way; they want their harness/collar to fit comfortably so they can enjoy walks. Follow these tips to help your walks together be a comfortable and joyous experience!

There’s a variety of dog collars on the market from flat to head collars. To properly fit a standard flat collarcollar for dogs, make sure it’s comfortably tight around their neck. Make sure you can fit two fingers between the collar and your dog’s neck; a properly fitted head collar will be loose enough for you to fit one finger between the base of their neck and the collar—anything more is too tight, and To test whether it’s too tight or too lose, you should be able to fit two fingers between the collar and your dog’s neck. Having the collar any tighter can cause injury. On the flipside,, a collar that is while having it too loose might result in a surprise escape attemptcan cause it to slip off with a risk of losing your pet. A lost dog is not a happy dog.

Cat collars will follow the same Two Finger Rule as above. When To properly fit a head collar, make sure the part around the back of your dog’s head is loose enough to fit one finger in between the base of their neck and the collar.

To properly fit a cat collar, follow the same Two Finger Rule. Having your cat’s collar is too loose, things can cause things to get stuck in it. A collar that’s , while too tight can cause injuries and difficulty breathing and eating. Should they your cat get caught on anything—from fences to like a tree branches—, you’ll want them to have enough room to slip out of their collarfree.

Harnesses, like collars, come in many styles for your dog-about-town, from easy walk to flexi. In fact, harnesses have become more popular in recent years, as they help There are many different kinds of dog harnesses on the market from easy walk to flexi. Harnesses are a great option to eliminate neck injury and tend to be more comfortable for your dog, especially if they’re walking long distances. Before choosing a harness size, be sure to properly measure your dog’s body length, chest and neck girths. If you find your dog may beis in between sizes, it’s wise to choose the larger of the two for a more comfortable fit. Your dog’s harness should fit snug enough to avoid slipping off, but loose enough to avoid irritation.

If you have an indoor cat that enjoys going on walks outside-—that’s a pretty cool cat, by the way-—then a harness is the best option. First, you’ll want to choose the correct size by using the girth measurement as mentioned above. Again, if your cat is in between sizes, we recommend sizing up.

Much like a dog’s harness, your cat’s harness should be snug enough to avoid slipping off, but loose enough to avoid injury.

We want your pet to enjoy their collar or harness! If you have any questions on selecting the right harness or collar for your pet, please contact or bring your pet to your nearest Petsway. Our friendly staff of pet lovers would be happy to help you choose the right collar or harness and will make sure it’s find the perfect fit!